HiLDA - Conducting statistical inference on comparing the mutational exposures of mutational signatures by using hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation
A package built under the Bayesian framework of applying hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation. It statistically tests whether the mutational exposures of mutational signatures (Shiraishi-model signatures) are different between two groups. The package also provides inference and visualization.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.56 score 3 stars 1 dependents 7 scripts 210 downloadsselectKSigs - Selecting the number of mutational signatures using a perplexity-based measure and cross-validation
A package to suggest the number of mutational signatures in a collection of somatic mutations using calculating the cross-validated perplexity score.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.08 score 3 stars 1 scripts 200 downloads